Saturday, November 22, 2008


"Untitled (I'm turning into a spectator before your very eyes and I'm going to haunt you)", By Glenn Ligon. He is showing his interest in how cultrure and language shape identity.
I'm really interested in this because I feel like I have been thinking about doing similar things. He took this quote, "I'm turning into a spectator before your very eyes and I'm going to haunt you," from a French play called "The Blacks" (Les Negres). I'm all about finding something (a song, movie, play, book) and finding a key line or verse that really just hits me. I want to keep exploring this idea...

I found "I'm turning into a spectator..." at the PMA. Its a very large painting, easily over 8 feet tall. Its in the modern art should go check it out!
This is another by him, but not as legible. He used Coal dust, printing ink, oil stick, glue, acrylic painting and gesso on canvas. The words say "The rage of the disesteemed." They come from an essay by James Baldwin called "Stranger in a Village."
"Untitled (Rage) #2"