Monday, March 10, 2008

Harmony Hammond

better late than never... although I've been thinking quite a bit about what I saw I didn't think to write it down. The work and the explanations behind it were extremely fascinating in Hammond's lecture. I found the idea of working with 3D brush strokes in the form of rags really interesting and relevant to one of my friend's work. The way that being surrounded by the fashion district influenced her work struck me as well. Being a student I have loan money and such to cover my expenses, but with graduation fast approaching this was a nice reminder that there will always be a way to work even if there is no way to pay for canvas. Resourcefulness was something that stuck out in her work for me, especially how thoughtful it was. The materials inherently had a meaning to them, and the way that they were arranged was meaningful as well. Although the meaning wasn't always readily accessible or obvious it was still very much there which kind of drew me in. I wish I could actually get to be in the same space as one of those looming presences of recycled fabric dipped in paint. Her work had a thought pattern in it that made sense to me, especially in how it changed when her surroundings changed. In comparison to the last lecture, it definitely was more cohesive in my mind. Although it was a long talk due to a large body of work, it was very enjoyable and useful.

~Jen Hintz

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