Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Contemporary Ceramic Artist

I enjoy the ceramic work of Dean Schwarz. I especially enjoyed researching the stories and inspiration behind his pieces. This helps to create a connection with the work. Many of his works have ties to the history and traditions of Indian tribes and African art. In addition, his work includes Greek Myths, Peruvian legends. Iowan traditions, Korean dances, and Bauhaus principles. I found it interesting that Schwarz says,” Nearly all pots represent my love and respect for the artworks of ancient peoples.” Additionally, he states, “I copy no pots directly but try to honor the spirit and quality the Old Ones were so good at.” This shows that Schwarz is honoring tradition in his work while making it his own. At the same time much of Schwarz’s work is functional. I like this because I tend to appreciate functional pieces. Schwarz’s work can be found in over thirty museums, six countries, and countless collections, including the White House. I was fascinated by the fact that while Dean Schwarz is in his seventies, he is still creating pottery, though he is restricted to the wheel due to a back injury. I find this extremely impressive.

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