Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In response to the article about the Incas. I find it not surprising that they would think about architecture and the earth in the way that they did. However to the extent that they did is quite fascinating. It stated that they described people who were married to be orderly and singles were wild. This is an example to the thought process that went on when they were creating their architecture. For this they would use the "marriage" of the natural rock forms and the man made rock forms for their structures. In this they were showing that you could live among nature without changing it, they used the land rather than alter it. They would also compliment nature by using the architecture, for example they would frame a mountain scene with the doorway or the window. Here again complimenting nature rather then block it out. I have yet to think about what my project will become exactly but this article has given me some insight on what it will become. To accompany nature into architecture is what their goal was. It seems that in today we have neglected this so much that our structures block out all of nature and move what was left of nature out of the way for our man made creations.

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