Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Brandon's Blog

As far as the second critique goes I think it was a much more productive and beneficial critique for the whole of the class, but as usual the critique was still too quite and almost too long and drawn out. The most effective critique method that I have ever seen/used was in my silk screening class, our teacher tried a method she knew from her undergrad courses, and it was a silent critique. Basically there are pieces of paper and pencils near each work of art and everyone goes around silently writing comments, suggestions, feedback etc for each piece, then at the end everyone reads the pages of comments and then verbally the works are briefly talked about. The critique was short but extremely effective, and from my experience of this technique I did take more from it than I have from any other.
As far as Phil’s work, I was very surprised to see someone bring in another object or material into ceramics. I think the antique Mac was a surprising object to see by everyone. I liked the ceramic and classic looking binary numbers used in place of the screen because essentially when we are staring at any computer screen that’s what we are looking at, I think this idea played in very well with the objective of the assignment. My only gripe about the piece, and seemingly common one discussed in the critique was about having some sort of lighting or SOMETHING to make the numbers stand out, as would an illuminated CRT monitor. Overall, this piece to me was exciting to look at but small additions could have made this piece even more exciting.
As for the third project, I really don’t know exactly what I want to do; I was brainstorming the idea of using clay slabs this time and letting them dry in desired positions and having them layered and hanging on the wall, I guess more like a sculptural painting, the Idea of 3D graffiti writers such as the famous Peeta from Italy, has been thought about but down to exact specifics of the project I’m not sure exactly what it is I want to do, this was just one idea.

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