Friday, April 25, 2008


So, I am supposed to comment on work that stood out to me. Jen- I was thoroughly impressed with the presentation you put forward for the third project. I knew you worked hard on the project and I am happy to say it paid off in the end. I enjoyed the fact that it was a wall piece, i didn't know how you were going to display them, but as far as I am concerned, you made a superb choice. Brandon- Your expert craftsmanship was shown through the welding that you used to make the piece. Very well done. I do not think the piece needed ceramics on the other side, but if you are unhappy with the finished product, make it work and change it to how you thought of it in your head. Liz- hanging your project was the highlight of your piece, for me. I am excited to see the final product with everything put together. Maybe you can incorporate different textures next time.

Third Project: Scape

I was thinking of using moonscape for my inspiration. I am planning on making bowls, of varying shapes and sizes, and mounting them on the wall. They are supposed to represent craters. I haven't yet figured out how i am going to get them on the wall, and I might change my idea, but this is the path I am currently taking.

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