Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Samantha Grandy's Blog 3

Jens piece was very interesting!!! when i first saw it when it was not glazed it looked like coral. The reason it looks like coral is because of the different rounded shapes she used and how she clustered them all together. Its like a little town in the sea. But then when she painted it, it looked really dark are spooky looking!!! like there was no life. she glazed it brown black and blue which made it so dark. Also after she painted her project it just seemed like her piece just shrunk in size. I still think she should have made made it bigger or made more clusters of them. Just felt unfinished to me. The bigger the better. But i do love the colors she put on it. Loved how it was not a typical coral color that was pinkish orange color. Still wondering why she did not paint the bottom of the piece!!! maybe you can explain that. Overall it was a good piece.

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